Shipping & Delivery

Delivery Time: Preparing Time + Shipping Time

Our estimated delivery dates are based on several factors, including the destination address, the shipping options you've chosen, and how quickly we can prepare your product for shipment. You can calculate delivery estimates by taking the processing time for your order and adding the delivery time based on the shipping method you've chosen.

For example, if you order a party dress, it will need 10-15 business days to prepare it and then 10-15 business days of shipping time if you select standard shipping. Therefore, you can expect to receive it in 20-30 business days. And you can expect to receive it in 15-25 business days if you select express shipping (5-10 business days).

Please use the chart below to help gauge how long it will take to receive your order.

(*There is a different processing time for different items. Once your order is placed, you can check the order shipping info from the online order status page. We will also inform you through your registered email.)

Shipping Fees:

VICI LEMON charges shipping fees based on the shipping option you choose. If your total order amount is over our free shipping limit, we’ll cover that shipping cost for you.

Please use the chart below to help determine how much shipping cost you need to pay.


Remote areas included: Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and Virgin Islands.

( Express Shipping ) Service area excluded : Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and Virgin Islands.

We are not responsible for late shipments due to invalid addresses, customs clearance procedures, inclement weather, holidays, natural disasters or carrier delays.

Please keep in mind holidays do not count as a business day and should be considered when calculating shipping times.

Sometimes unexpected delay is caused due to thorough inspection, out of stock issue, especially during high-volume periods.

*Whether you enjoy free shipping based on the order amount after discounts, and final sales items do not enjoy free shipping service with minimum thresholds.

In case of any question and unexpected delay you can always contact our customer service.

If you don’t receive the parcel within this period, please Contact Us.